Earnings Release https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/cubicfarm-systems-corp-announces-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-2021-financial-results-870026160.html
General thoughts and take-aways that are rolling around in my noggin after a cursory review:
- if the pipeline of pending installations actually happens in Q2 will the company end up showing a spike in revenue due to revenue recognition rules? If so is that priced into the speculative buyer?
- with no stream of news on new sales/future installations, will the above lead to a period of "lumpy" revenue quarter over quarter?
- what is happening on the demand side as external forces make it harder and harder to rely on geographically separated ground crops? Where are the big buyers of fresh produce pointing their forecasts? What information could be gleaned from public information from those companies? Think I'll have a look-see.
- wonder what the ratio of staff and spend is between sales team:R&D team?
- seems to be an ongoing and long "setting the table" period for the company. When are folks going to show up for dinner? I'm getting hungry.
Will see what day brings.