RE:GoodMORNING Dear VRB past CEO Pat Obrien,
"Good morning" to you sir and thank you for this constructive post.
Yes, VERY ASTUTE that yes "VRB shareholders will get crushed by the 10-1 rollback and further crushed by the post consolidation drift".
And without strong material change/news, actual signiifcant funding for development and for other than "debt repayment to the insiders", and nothing for actual resource Dev, battery Dev or VEPT devolopment - then we agree, the stock will drift down to be effecitvely worth less than 1% of what it was worth just before the trading halt.
That is the concerns we have too and why we asked about these things in the first posts we did - with no money for promotoion, no major promotional groups following nor supporting in the market lined up - the stock could drop back to a price whereby investors pre-reverse split will hold almost worthless shares"...
Good observation - truly it is and current VRB investor folks should know this.
So now what then Pat? Help save your people - with a positive plan...
As "defacto CEO of VRB" what is your "How do you save your/our shareholders and our investments that are stuck in VRB over the last 20 years, and protect from the current board potentially stripping the assets in spin-outs for pennies on the dollar - if that's their plan?
Yelling "Sell Sell Sell" - only makes matters worse for your current investors stuck that you brought into VRB does it not?
Sounding hypocritical in condemming Mr. Bakker for "driving the company into the ground" while you suggest to the World in writing to do the same thing by shorting it to zero - how does that help YOUR credibility?
Why would you write that, AND admit in writing you are VRB's rightful CEO?
We need you man, take a deep breathe, get a grip, think thru what you write before hitting send - and come back with a constructive plan to save VRB, its resources, VEPT and IP assets please.
We ask nicely ; )
Have a great day and try to think a positive thoughts -
Irish quote for the day: "Bitterness is like a cancer - eating away at your bones".