HLND Deal and why it stinks like a FrogzillaHLND Deal - Guess whose debt we are absorbing?? Our own!
Just realized, AR due to HLNd, it has to be. Thus, we bought our biggest customer who didn't pay us. Thus, I would not expect a big hit from HLND in the future.
From Note 14 in the financials:
As at January 31, 2022, trade receivables
of $1,962,551 (October 31, 2021 - $1,733,899) were due from one customer. During the period ended January 31, 2022, 31% of sales
were to one customer (year ended October 31, 2021, 69% of sales were to one customer).
This just clicked as I took one last looksie through the numbers. Somehow I missed this and didn't put the two together.
Good luck to any remaining investors, it's going to be a rough ride down....