GREY:BHNGF - Post by User
Comment by
geodcanon Apr 02, 2022 5:05pm
Post# 34570431
RE:RE:My e-mails are unanswered
RE:RE:My e-mails are unansweredI share the concerns over Marketmakers ruining the very reason for the stock market to exist. New startups that go public to raise funds for moving their companies forward need all the support they can get from the investment community and not be fleeced by big money with little concern for their continued existence.
Marketmakers are thoughtless, self-serving peckerwood that don't give a ratzass if they kill perfectly good intentioned companies before they even have a chance, and they do it all for quick bucks.
They do this with shortsales, puts and calls, coercion to create disrepute by badmouthing the company and taking advantage of the volatility that they create and probably do it with algorithms that kick in automatically when they can grab a dollar and put it into their pockets.
I sense this is happening in a couple of investments I am in and the only action that has been effective is outright success of the company management or a Gamestop/Redditt short squeeze that was pretty much a "one of " near miracle that turned the tables on the marketmakers and shorts.
I am pushing for doing away with short sales altogether becaue of my belief that you shouldn't be able to sell investments you don't own. Straight commissions aren't good enough for brokerages and lending out a client's shares for a fee is double dipping, plain and simple.
Bhang wasn't ready for public life, launching at the worst of times and failing miserably as an ipo. I tend to think that PBIC formerly CGIC saved them with a big influx of cash and their listing isn't doing very well either but they show no inclination to run BHNG when they had close to 50% of the shares.
I really think that BHNG has a great sku that should be able to niche out enough profit for the management and shareholders with the TRUL connection where TRUL is purportedly selling our chocolate skus brand in their stores which should launch us.
What I don't know is how that is going backed with some numbers and meaningful nrs of progress, sales volumes and financial statements.
I still get inklings that Jamie is busier soccer-mom'in than CEO of Bhang. I hope I am wrong!
I have raised the marketmaking issues with CSE and got nowhere. I think I need to bring this to the attention of my MP and get my name on the list, if there is one.