My Hope as a Packrat Investor I break what is likely the first rule of investing... or at least one of the top 5.
No, I don't buy on margin and put myself in a hole.
Not that one.
I fall in love with a stock and drink the very strong koolaid. Hell, I start mixing it myself.
Once i believe in the story I just go in hard. Buy a tonne. Make it too much of my portfolio as a percentage of total.
I did it with a biotech that was going to cure cancer. Learned a lot of science, a fair bit of oncology, some immunology.. and all the while I bought and bought and bought. It consolidated... I bought. I t tanked... I bought. It needed more money... i stepped into a small private placement financing. I was a packrat. A squirrel. I just kept on accumulating. It terrified me. I believed in the science too much and was incapable of selling it seemed. But oh man could I buy....
My only way out was for it to implode (I would have likely collapsed of a coronary) or for it to force my hand and be taken from me in a buyout.
Well. That buyout did come. Big pharma came knocking. One morning I flashed open my phone and there it was. Congratulations you no longer need to make a decision. It has been made for you. We are buying all your shares at a very nice premium.
Do I wish I still owned it. Yeah. Hell...I loved it as a story and an investment and had it for longer than many people are married.
But I don't. Instead I have the proceeds.
I have since dumped a lot of that into the already massive pile of CRE that I have owned for 10+ years also. Most of my shares were at 29c. Now I have a bunch at .60 , .90 and 1.25 and 1.30.
I hope history repeats and I can have my hand forced at a very good premium.
But certainly not yet.
Maybe at $5 or $6 or maybe more.
The dominos from permit to feeding-frenzy to deal could be shockingly close together.
I honestly cannot see how that won't be the case with the endless hunger for EV battery materials.
The CRE roller coaster ride has always sounded like a good idea even if the trendline looked like a heart attack at times.
It is feeling a lot better now for sure and the daily checks are now hourly. More rough days ahead. they cannot all be tall and green. But CRE isn't done yet. Merely getting back where it should be.
Go ahead CRE...make my day.