Inevitable Sale of CloudMD Perdiction For a CEO to step down before releasing EOY earnings, a company that is bleeding cash, and who's stock price is so far in the gutter that there's no hope to make additional aquisitions or be able to use the price of the stock for collateral on credit...
I bought in at $1.80 with high hopes but now all I do is pray the new CEO sees that a sale is needed and tries their damn hardest to get top dollar so I can recover some of my funds.
Splitting the company and selling in pieces is the best bet there is here, there's no salvaging this unless they can some how organically grow at 3x the rate they are now and be able to recover any hopes of mergers and aquisitions.
CARE-T doesn't have the market capitalization to purchase Cloud, nobody else is really in the same game except for TSX:WELL.
WELL has BC clinics, telehealth applications, and has multiple EMR Vendors but I don't believe WELL has the money, or stock to purchase them either unless it's at a massive discount.
My perdiction will be that they split the company into 4 parts and sell it off as so:
Technology - Sell for ~$40M
Telehealth - Sell for ~$25M
Brick and Mortar Clinics/Pharmacies - Sell for ~$60M
Mental Health - Sell for ~$100M
That brings them to just $2 million over their market capitalization at the moment or a sale price at current stock price.
If anyone sees a different picture please point me in the right direction however unless there's a miracle and the stock price picks back up over $2 in the next 6 months, they will bleed more cash than reserved.