1970Craig wrote: Soundandfurry is this 1.3 to 1.4 B the same as discretionary funds flow that WCP uses for its term on money made after FINANCIAL, CAP-EX , and DIVIDENDS? If so that is pretty good. I think what makes me feel better is your post where you mention they are making 3 dollars more for every single barrel. So if they have 100 k of non hedged oil every day 300 k times 30 days ? 9 M or 108 M annually.
I start at the oldest post every morning , work my way to the newest. Good posts today all around , but right before I read your last one I was saying they need to double the dividend. Then we are at 9 cents or 3 cents a month. So doing there divivnd Q this saves them some money I guess ? So still not as costly as whitecap. So currently I ran 18 cents annually on 565 M shares and this is only $101,700.00 annually. So a double is nothing when your free cash flow is 1.3 B. There debt would be
I beleive sawwed in half ?
Does this sound right.
Darkest before the dawn. I am okay with this becasue the fundamentals actually speak to a much higher shareprice
, and the news is more sanctions , and I here things like cruise lines , air lines having there largest booking month in there history and this offsets some of the negatives of and when they show up.
It's a grand buying opportunity and newbies are getting a gift amd oldies have a chance to get some more. I am tapped out. I actually bought shares of cenovus last week. I am now in according to weighting Whitecap , Cresent point , cenovus , and Cardinal.
I am probably 80 percent oil. In my portfolio since last May. So with the narrative turning to a group live in on energy and make it a holding. It's been as good as it was bad times 3 for me when I got my you know what handed to me after 2014. That was a lesson learnt.
Good luck all. My Medication and the sun in Abbotsford today seem to have perked my mood up supposed to hit 20 tomorrow . Remember we had the storms , so first nice weather ina while !!