Public Safety Enhancement
It has been over two decades of experience for Draganfly manufacturing drones in North America. Draganflyer Commander is one of the best drone ever manufactured across the industry addressing public safety and public agencies and private enterprises are finding it a great tool in risk mitigation. drones are also finding a special usage in the the energy industry; for instance, remote inspection of wind energy infrastructure has received a great deal of attention in recent years. Drones have the potential to significantly cut not just the number of times workers will need to go to and climb up wind turbines, but also the quantity of heavy lifting equipment necessary to perform the dangerous inspection task. Drones also assist to reduce the amount of downtime required to discover issues and collect diagnostic data from the whole wind farm. Despite all of these potential advantages, drone-based inspection technology in the offshore wind sector is still in its early stages of development, and its dependability is slowly getting established.