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Questerre Energy Corp (Canada) T.QEC

Alternate Symbol(s):  QTEYF

Questerre Energy Corporation is an energy technology and innovation company. It is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of oil and gas projects, in specific non-conventional projects such as tight oil, oil shale, shale oil and shale gas. It holds assets in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec in Canada, as well as in the Kingdom of Jordan (Jordan). Its oil shale assets include its project in Jordan and its investment in Red Leaf Resources Inc. (Red Leaf). It plans to utilize the Red Leaf technology for its project in the Kingdom of Jordan. In Quebec, the project has a comprehensive program to test the carbon storage potential including injection and monitoring wells, compression facilities and a pipeline to an adjacent industrial park. Its Kakwa area is a liquids-rich Montney natural gas resource play situated over 75 kilometers (km) south of Grande Prairie in west central Alberta. Its Antler area is over 200 km southeast of Regina in southeast Saskatchewan.

TSX:QEC - Post by User

Post by nozzpackon Apr 07, 2022 10:30am
Post# 34584030

Big News..Fed Govt Approves Massive Bay Du Nord oil Project

Big News..Fed Govt Approves Massive Bay Du Nord oil ProjectNo way can Quebec not now approve Questerre's project.....
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