Time to unleash the Big Obalski! Time for Tomagold to unleash the Big Obalski!
The Corporation has forwarded its full drilling database for more than 525 holes to Abitibi Geophysics to enable them to correlate the geophysical data with the drilling data. The report also shows that geophysical coverage is insufficient, with a strong anomaly located on the southwestern edge of the grid. Some 9 line-km of additional linecutting will begin in the next few days, to be followed by IP surveying.The Corporation has forwarded its full drilling database for more than 525 holes to Abitibi Geophysics to enable them to correlate the geophysical data with the drilling data. The report also shows that geophysical coverage is insufficient, with a strong anomaly located on the southwestern edge of the grid. Some 9 line-km of additional linecutting will begin in the next few days, to be followed by IP surveying.