yes there are followers. The stock-The company doesn't throw a parade and so it's not a fly by night. I do agree the following is weak as there has been much that is great buy also lots to deal with over the last 10 years so some just moved on I suppose. It is now primed and ready with a relatively small following but the news flow and work over the next 6 months is going to be the most this company has ever seen and built up to. They have multiple great plays here all finally coming together so that those that quit on it should have made that assessment 5 years ago. Now is the time and this will be a wonderful situation. It has a very disciplined management team with deep experience in mining. All you need to do is your homework a bit to realize what it right in front of you. I do not pump things. If I did I would have chosen many other companies to be invested in. This company is the real deal. Just look at the blogs and tell me other companies that even care enough to share information as this CEO does. This is one of those things that the perfect storm is here now for and we will see where we are at in 2 months. Once the company starts producing news releases with some momentum ( which I believe will be these next few months) those that have paid attention will be rewarded and them the company will start have many more followers. Good fortune to all of us. Stay well