RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Craig on BNNA total catch 22 here. You start increasing the dividend payments now you dilute the total income for us shareholders over the entire share base. There is a formula to make it reasonable. As for those that think that the company isn't returning dollars to the share base then what is the retiring of $150 million dollars worth of shares ? You increase the dividends now and the share price goes up costing us the shareholders more in the long run as the company retires less shares and you spend more monies paying out dividends. Patience is required here , we have a 2-3 percent return re the dividends and what do you have if you left your money in the bank ? Oh about the same but you pay less tax on dividends and then there is the possible capital gains. There is something going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. My left you know what is tingling. We saw it last year when they bought the Duvernay , we are also starting to here rumours of Repsol which makes sense. Theories are always welcome , whining , well you may as well short the stock ! Glta. Lash