MULN vs Hidenburg report is a mistake?? What Fake reporting hi all, see the true facts on a clean cut video without all the youtubers out there using this interview to push subscribers. Hidenburg made a big mistake on the report last week and the shorts took advantage to lower the share price and shake out traders or future investors. Making one think this stock is made up and fake!! see the video link and listen to what they discuss and the comment on Hidenburg making a report and making miss judgement as they do not know anything about a battery! Lets face it this is a new era of going electric and unless you are a scientist or a calculator go hide somewhere and stop the fake posts. I for sure know one thing and that is taking chances with my money. Watch the video from "wallstreet trappers" channel on YOUTUBE and get ready for Monday morning higher moves. Called, "Tom Gage just done this to hidenburgs fud on MULN" the 12min mark is proof they do not know anything and the report is just another pay off for someone to help the shorts crash the share price.