Vertex in the news again.I find it really strange that Novo Nordisk's head of stemcell tech says what he does in the video below considering he could go and buy what he thinks is so difficult to develop for pennies on the dollar. It makes you wonder how much effort Spill and his wonderful management team have been actually putting into finding buyers for the Cell Pouch.
The link here starts at the comment I'm referring to but you can watch the whole video and see how everyone is mentioned EXCEPT the one company who has had the most success out of all of them.
I think all of us should start messaging the reporters and people in the video via Linked In, Twitter, Facebook with a link to Sernova. Clearly Selphie and his marketing team are drunk off DSUs and clearly don't know how to get the attention of appropriate people.
Vertex going to apply for an IND for a device this year.