RE:Updated AssessmentThanks for that retiredcf but I don't get their comments. Hey maybe I'm wrong but FTM qtly divs based on last two wud result in 4.5% yield (USD7.5cents on $8.35sp) and that does not take account of special div that is likely to occur in last qtr. And the comment on sequential or any comparative trends in revs ignores the fundamental streaming pattern that one can expect from such products as their sales/use is clearly subject to variable demand in any period.
I have recapped the numbers from their june 30th financials. There were no comparable results for 2020 as evidenced by the hilted remark. Q1 thru Q4 royalty revs were (MMs) $12.5,$23.4, $22.9, $21.0, resp.. We can take Rllpivirine from the last 2 qtrs but they acquired Oracea Dermatology in Q3 2021 (Expires Q1 2028) with revs of $1,373 in Q4 (these are revs subject to a qtly lag and probably represents a part of Q3) and, as you all know, we haved VONJO (pacritinib) coming on stream. It is evident looking at each product's qtly figures that most are subject to qtr over qtr fluctuations mentioned above, up or down, but the base of royalties, and prospect of new royalties and income opportunities, appear very sound and are log-dtaed.
From their June 2021 financials:
"The following table presents further details about the products underlying our royalty streams. During 2021, the Trust has recorded royalty income from February 19, 2021, the date on which the Trust obtained control of the royalty assets, to June 30, 2021.
3 months 6/30/21 Expected Royalty Expiry 6 months 6/30/21
Eylea I Ophthalmology $3016 Q1 2027 $ 3,016
Eylea II Ophthalmology $1340 Q1 2027 1,869
FluMist Vaccine $23 Q4 2023 23
Natpara Endocrinology $519 Q3 2024 791
Rydapt Oncology $3863 Q1 2025 4,765
Spinraza Rare Diseases $5213 Q3 2031 7,313
Xolair Respiratory $2736 Q2 2032 3,884
Zytiga Oncology $4218 Q2 2028 5,951
Autoimmune Portfolio(ii) $1972 Q1 2025 4,255
Rilpivirine Portfolio(iii) HIV $545 Q2 2021* 2,899
Other Royalties(iv) $3 n/a 183
TOTALS $ 23,448 $ 36,139