RE:RE:Hey ...... what happened to all this talk about ........masfortuna wrote: Hey Top! Just a few things. The planet has undergone warming periods and cooling periods throughout its existence. That is why we have palm trees under the ice. The isue is that we ARE exacerbating the issue. That is a fact. If you don't believe it then check Exxon's own personal conclusions on the matter conducted in the 1970s which they had hoped to surpress in the 80s and 90s. So YES we are affecting climate. The real question is whether or not our policies in Canada make a difference when China, India, Nigeria who combined are 1/2 the world's population, continue with the status quo.
All we are doing is changing the "recipe" mas . What I mean by that is once we have warmed (which is happening with or without us) to a certain point the north and south poles will release their trapped Methane which by all accounts is worse than CO2 .
My point is that this "snowball" started rolling down hill 20,000 years ago which has set in motion events we can not "engineer" our way out of . 5000 years ago the Sahara was a fertile grassland , the only constant here is change so either adapt or die .
Can we do better ? You bet we can but without everyone being on the same page , we are throwing away our future for some unattainable goal . Canada has 500 million trees absorbing the worlds excess CO2 , when will we get credit for our massive carbon storage instead of blaming ourselves for China or India's pollution ? In the meantime , I like the idea of keeping our profits here and controling our own security and energy independence