RE:I don't know if you caught this but .........One more little tidbit on Ethanol (UN1986) , it presently is selling for $600/barrel . Ethanol also comes with this warning and I quote
" any application is forbidden if in touch with food , skin , pharmaceuticals , cosmetics or personal care products . Also banned is anything ingested , inhaled or a surface that could contact the skin such as sidewalks , kitchen or washroom sinks . Prohibited surfaces are wood , plastics and clothing that touches the skin ".
That is taken word for word (including price) from the Ingredient Depot website . Now you may be able to get a better price buying it by the tanker load but even if you cut that price by 1/3rd , its still $200/barrel . Please explain how that will lower the price at the pump ? (and if someone says it will lessen demand for crude , I will personally enroll you in economics 101)
topdown99 wrote: Biden was in Iowa today pushing year round sales of E15 (Ethanol blended gas) , now let's take a closer look at this "idea" ?????
E15 facts
- the EPA has banned the sale of E15 between June 1 & Sept 15 (annually)
- E15 will evaporate easily in warmer weather and adds to air pollution
- E15 is blamed for accelerated engine wear and engine failure .
- E15 is known to damage fuel systems
- E15 caused engine failure will void your warranty
So Biden is fine with sacrificing the environment (or your engine) if it means saving a few pennies at the pump and the "woke squad" doesn't protest . Its ok to push a substandard product that pollutes more provided it adds a point to the polling numbers . Carbon capture is the red-headed stepchild that no left wingnut wants to acknowledge , why ? ..... it allows a defence for O&G which will not be allowed in the woke culture .
Instead government wants you to sacrifice your mobility , your savings , your job and your childrens economic future or you too will be cancelled . Since the 60's , so called "experts" have predicted another ice age , famine and global warming that would exterminate mankind (yeah I said it , MANKIND !!!) before the year 2020 . Its all BS to keep the sheep running toward the slaughter house instead of choosing to graze on grass and produce wool . Think about it , ask some questions or google the topic before you let anyone spook you into running . Just because the elevator door is open doesn't mean the car is in place , look before you leap .