RE:RING OF FIRE NEWS Thursday 9:30 amThe plot thickens!
It is truly hard to believe that we are at this place. I pinch myself, "Is this really happening? After all these years?"
I have been in the midst of the ups and downs of the Ring of Fire since its discovery and to think we are about to finally get over the top is one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.
How this ultimately pans out is to be seen - we remember the announcements of Premier McGuinty and Cliff Resources back in the day and it did not end so well. Then there was the agreement between Premier Wynne and the First Nations but it did not go anywhere. And, Premier Ford was to get on the bulldozer himself if he had to - that was 4 years ago. Now, with an election upon us he is about to make another announcement.
Is this it? Will we finally see the promised land of critical minerals being unearthed and taken to market? Let's see....we were here's announcement will be watched with great anticipation!