james-boy is so expansiveHas his orchistrated hater-on for me expanded from his carnation as Pothetic-
then incarnating as LawrenceKnight,
then incarnating as toppgunnisback.
then incarnating as the mere and only jamesz.
then duplicating an incarnation as Poet_hen to dually battle me????? Everytime you post
under whoever, you answer your own questions, dufus. No matter what, no one believes you. So
there is no need for you to constantly try to prove yourself to yourselves. LOL ewe sea?
Why all the smoke and mirrors, Pothetic-LawrenceKnight-toppgunnisback-jamesz-Poet_hen?
Is your beak in a knot? ewe sea. LMAO@one ridiculous poster hatchling. Are you the Easter bunny?
LMAO@the egghead. ewe sea.