Bullboard- Investor DiscussionWhy does Poet_hen--aka/ jamesz-toppgunnisback-LawrenceKnight-Pothetic need to constantly post false personal things about others? Does it not get it that this is a Bullboard- Investor Discussion board? Just by all the effort to be an AHOP anyone can see his fakeness and need to post negatively and demeaning often. Something very unnatural going on with this poster. Wonder if he is forced to do this for daily brownie points? They also do not want to post on weekends, but they seem to have to. Why? Why can they not keep this bullboard for Investor Discussion and keep out the personal BS about others. In real life, they would not be tolerated and by-passed. Maybe that is why they do this? Maybe they were by-passed by everyone on life, so they need to vent and be bitter while they waste away each painful day of their existence. What a waste! So much waste that it must be living in la Maison du Outhouse basement. ewe sea.
Grow up, fool! Grow up.