RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Next week might test 38 pages of posts on nobody but pyr ... That's just pathetic pumping... So how many accounts?
here is a book for you
pyr investors book 2 months 5 days of silence from the castle on high....just the stories from the pumpers..
RealistDontalkm wrote: lol!!
but I'll take that as a compliment!
ps. This is my one and only account made especially for edge...if you look at my past post...but you won't...cuz you don't do properly dd and just open your mouth and let them "come" come....
Zaphod wrote: this another of your fake accounts... Which of you little staff members is it..?
When will you learn when making fake accounts post on more than one company. You can't post hundreds of messages about. "pirate genesis" but no other stocks
now go out please fake messages about other companies and pretend you're an investor. Top bad bre-x Enron and Nortel are gone....
Go pirategenesis...woohoo
RealistDontalkm wrote: personal choice whether u buy in or not...doing your dd shoulda been your first and foremost your biggest defensive knowledge. Totally different from constant bashing and repeated false information! Get your fact straight! Or STAY QUIET!
llllllllllllll wrote: If fear mongering leads to legal action I guess the ecxdessive hyping and pumping last year has a good chance for legal action for those that believed it to try and recover their losses.Question is who do they go after for their losses? Uncleron developbc maybe top of list..Two way street you cant have it both ways..If your going to have excessive pumpers you need to see the downside risks as well.Market is always right in evaluating a stock longer term and it appears market is not on side with the companies progress right now..