These warrant thing-iesjust tryi g to udnnerstand.
so if an investor held 100,000 Hexo warrants that were avlued at say .02 cents - but it would cost him $111 to excercise one warrant, and he would only get about .0015 of one Hexo common share?
Well, I can see that unexcercised warrants would mean less common shares having to be issued by Hexo - becasue after all, what flippin moron would pay $111 for .0015 of a 62 cent share.
But on the other hand - Hexo would not get $111 of new investor money either, I guess.
That doesnt seem good if the reason for warrants in the first plalce is to raise capital.
It seems warrants would be a good idea for a good company - but not a pos one like Hexo who worthless companies like Zenabis.
It also doesnt seem like a giood thing for the guy who held Hexo warrants.
How many ways can Hexo actually screw an investor? And quuentards ays there's more coming?!?