Tinley's vs Lakewood I want to post this again. As I have said I have gone thru the facility in LongBeach mutiple times and each time there was more activity. The audited year end financials should be out around end of April first of MAy. If you look at Tinleys finanacials they have reported audit yaer ebd financials about end of April since they started and first quarter around end of May. End of August they routinely report 2nd quarter and end of November 3rd quarter. I believe they are almost self sufficient,my meaning is I do not think they will need to do any more private placements possibly one, two more at most. By this time next year Tinley should be showing substantial revenue. I feel that the bashers know Tinley is on the cusp of taking off. They have to bash hard as the year end financials will force them to STFU so they know their time is running out and when the 1st quarter reports they will have to admit they are only spoiled sports bashers. I found it funny that the basher that was RANDONMF lasted less then 3 days under the new account. Don't argue with them report them. Stock House has rules you can't call people names and only bash or they will "pull the plug" on your account so ignore them. As I think it was Reyniak said Lakewood is a subsidiary of Tinley. It is talked about Lakewood/Tinley relationship to each other in the financials that have been reported. Read thru them you will find he is correct. I believe the Lakewood/Tinley situation will become clearer and expalined in year end and 1st quarter reporting. Remember Covid set back Tinley a good two years. California had some of the most draconian covid rules in all of USA. I am going out to LongBeach tomorrow and plan on going bu the facility. I'll tell you what I see and ask if I can take any pictures. In past I was asked not to take pictures inside the facility.
Tinley is Lakewood. Lakewood produces beverages for other brands. Tinley has it's own brands. Both are manufactured at same facility. Tinley is a possible competitor to the other brands. Lakewood is a manufacturer. Tinley sells a product made at a facility. Would you want your brand manufactured by a competitor or a company that makes beverages, Lakewood, that is a company that manufactures beverages. Why would Lakewood or Tinley make a situation that forces companies to have their products made by a company that is a competitor. Time moves forward. What was logical 6 years ago now has changed. Covid set every start up back two years or even more. What is truth is there is a facility in LongBeach manufacturing drinks for many brands. That facility is producing exactly as was supposed.