eldreco wrote: Traditional "fire-assay" is a destructive form of gauging core - that is why the cores are split in two, with one half going to the assayers and the other half being held by the company (in perpetuity) in case the are questions about the results of the assay (in which case, the second half is then assayed). You have no "proof" from the first assay. other than the report - as the sample was destroyed in the process.
This seemed to be the problem when NFGs assays were questioned...which sent the stock into a tailspin...and every other drill-company was holding their breath (fearing they too, would be in question), as NFG stepped up to the plate to sort it out (So, in addition to monumental delays in processing times for assays...now there was a question of the very veracity of the information - a kind of insult to injury situation, which cost the Junior Explores millions (if not hundreds of) this last year or so, in terms of lost opportunity.
Chrysos, on the other hand, is a non-destructive assay method. It uses whole-core (not half). In layman's terms, they put the core to be tested into a blender...smush it up...put the samples into little plastic containers...and send them through a glorified X-Ray machine (obviously there is more to this than that)!. At the end...you get your assay - plus all the little containers holding the original samples (which you can store as "proof"). The process is quicker than fire-assay...and much cheaper too.
This Chrysos machine will revolutionize the industry in the next few years. For now, NFG will share assay time with this other company...in Julyish, they get their own machine...best move they could have made, in my opinion.
el d
likeike wrote: For the benefit of all the newbies here could someone explain clearly what it is and
why it is so important. I could try myself but I am sure I would do an inadequate job
compared to some that are more up on it and how my head is working right now. IKE