The long arm of manipulation In that the markets for precious metals are manipulated, it has to be expected that those companies whose economics are in some way tied to gold and silver will end up by proxy being manipulated themselves (at least to some varying degree).
Looking for some rational explanation for a particular sector-wide movement such as we’ve seen today is often as much of a fruitless endeavor as trying to rationally explain gold’s daily/weekly/monthly price moves.
If the “reason” for the price move is manipulation (directly or indirectly), then there in reality is NO “reason.” Reason implies rationality - which is something wholly absent when there is manipulation.
I can’t see a plausible “reason” for what occurred today. If there is one, it escapes me.
Will gold (and gold miners such as ourselves) continue their forward momentum? I believe they certainly will. What the timeframe will be - only the most foolhardy of analysts (of which there are plenty) will
forecast with a “knowing” certainty and exactitude.