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Teal Valley T.TV

Primary Symbol: P.TEAL

Teal is a Canadian, pharmaceutical & NHP manufacturer selling to Canada’s national, chain drug stores, presently expanding its portfolio to include cannabinoid-based products utilizing proprietary formulations & extractions for both the global Rx & recreational markets.

P.TEAL - Post by User

Comment by kramaswamyon Apr 22, 2022 4:57pm
Post# 34625178

RE:The good, the bad, the ugly

RE:The good, the bad, the uglyIronically, as much as the mine disaster is a terrible thing for the people involved - for Trevali itself it may end up being a blessing.

If the consequence of this is that the mine ends up being shut down for good, us investors may end up avoid having Perkoa become the new Caribou.

If, at the end of the day, Trevali somehow walks away from this with Rosh Pina being the only thing on their balance sheet - maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel after all. And maybe it's not a train. 
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