RE:RE:The $3000 + gold thesis....more MOZ please! Well you should have read it because it's nothing like what you assumed it was. Right now is nothing like the last 20 years. In fact right now is the product of the last 20 years and the stage is set with roaring inflation, record levels of debt and central banks launching a massive tightening cycle which every single time in the past has led to a financial crisis. Without fail. So, what could possibly be the "end game" here? This is all that I'm interested does it all play out, what do I position myself with for that end game, what's the timeline, what's the chance that I'm wrong etc.....I see no way that jacking up rates in a massive super bubble of debt fueled speculation doesn't end in disaster...and then...the end game policy shift one more to massive QE and yield control similar to Japan...that is rocket fuel for gold and hard assets....Why don't you read it and then comment or critique the reasoning used. This is not "conspiracy" nonsense it's math and common sense.