RE:Earnings Release on May 11th - how to get more BIR?Good strategy Plutos - Let the markets do what they think best Pretty sure that BIR buyers at these levels or 8's will make out very well.
Real time gas inventories stand at ~1500 BCF as of today - see Celsius Energy.
To bring start of winter 2023 storage to just the low-end of the 5 yr average of 3200 BCF will require
weekly injections of 100 BCF over the next 17 weeks - (i.e. every week to the end of Aug). That would
be a near impossible and historic achievement and will not happen unless maybe and only maybe if natgas goes above $10 on the spot market and the forward strip assures the producers who need to hedge that it any increase in production will be profitable for them. Prices for the next few months are good > $6 but drops down into the $4s by April 2023. (Drilling and other services are getting expensive).
Problem is Natgas futures market players deal in high percent swings (short and mid term). They see it as there dues for getting invloved in such a volatile commodity. If you want to buy producers and profit on a structural change in the market you are going to have see this and focus new on end of the game price levels.