In the unfailing judgment of Kirk MacDonald...He rode MediaCentral straight into bankruptcy. He championed, a fanboy website so idiotic it couldn't survive even a few months. He was axed from his sales exec job at the Toronto Star after less than a year. He can't be bothered collecting the copies of the Financial Times that are accumulating in his office mailbox. He somehow locked himself out of his Twitter account for much of this year.
But now, Kirk's
back on Twitter, and he's posting every day, except on those days when he evidently forgets.
And every blessed Kirk-tweet, day after day, carries the same opening -- which is "
Top Story."
Listen, Kirk, dude. Do you really think you're anything close to qualified to pick the Top Story? That's something typically done by news editors, which you ain't. In fact, you're kind of a one-man irony-free zone, based on the following Top Story selection. I mean, didn't your media company go public? And isn't your newsroom barely hanging on to life by its fingernails at this very moment?
Top story: More digital media companies want to go public. Can their newsrooms survive? | Nieman Journalism Lab