Cheap shares… yes please! First Helium anticipated $6million of revenue for 2022 back early January. I think it’s a safe estimate to assume $90oil average for 2022.
My math says revenue generated for 2022 will be
$20million raised warrants
Oil well #1 - $13million
Oil well #2 - $8million
Total ———$41million
Plus at a minimum 1 helium well that will be producing late 2022-early 2023
Add in any other helium/oil well they hit during their next round of drilling starting by July 1st(They can bring another oil well online within 8-12weeks of first drill)
Plus the oil well resource report end of May….2/2 on oil wells right now…. Imagine 2-3more oil wells online by December 2022….
Then add in their winter drilling program(another 3 wells) plus their gas producing facility.
Anyone else think $1 a share will be a steal by Q2 2023? (Fully diluted share pool of 100million shares) Don’t forget First Helium has no debt.
What a difference 12 more months can make!