RE:Recession Talk Oh hiya Cbew!!! I hope your havin the BEST day!!!
Oh I KNOW huh??? Soooo many indicaters of the longest bull run ever finally rollin over. Supply bottlenecks, sea containerz sent back to China EMPTY, higher oil prices and labor costs driving up inflation, trade sanctionz on Russia and China and that BIG jump in inflation!!
From what Im told we have alwayz had a good recession/depression after any big central banking rate increases used to calm inflation. Bank O'Canada hinting at 1/2 percents raise this summer!!! EWE!!! but that 6% INFLATION is something I never heard in my life. CRAZY.
So... Copper fox metals inc management scion Colin keepz chirping about maximizing value. Kinda hard to max value in a down turn after the BIGGGEST BULL MARKET LIKE EVER.
Then it is also quiet hard to MAXIMIZE VALUE when you only drill like 10k meterz a decade. So therez that. LOL!!!
On top of that it is SELL IN MAY or April for Copper fox metal inc historically. No cattlelists pokers in the fire to speak of and managment already talkin about 2023.
Oh. And that low low VOLUME!!! EWE!!!
That is what i think an stuff.
Have the BEST day!!!! ^_^