WELL is not a Telehealth StockLooking at everyone comparing WELL to Teledoc always makes me laugh.
Reading their numbers, well is more than 93% Clinical income and 7% EMR, Security, Telehealth, ect business.
This should be compared to other private clinic owners, in Canada it's hard since WELL is by far the largest publically traded clinic owners in the country, however comparing to the U.S we're trading at ratios that are 1/3rd to 1/8th of what some U.S clinic chains are trading at.
With the MOH raising prices by 2% for MyHealth, this should bring in about $2-$4 million/year.
Combined with technology, disipline and smaller tuck in aquisitions, the interest rates won't have a massive effect on WELLs debt, maybe it costs $5 Million more a year however with elective surgery being back on the tables and everyone going back to their daily lives, everything WELL does is still equally organically growing.
If anyone has any information on where they believe WELL went wrong, whether it was buying CHR, a money making machine, or purchasing MyHealth, a money making machine, or diluting the stocks (again to purchase money making machines), then I'd love to hear it!
Interest rates aside since anyone who can do the math knows that a few extra millions tacked onto the bottom of the sheet won't matter, especially if they make a profit since I believe corporations can subtrack credit interest from profits in Canada for tax savings.