RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Lockheed Martin Bombardier and RaytheonGeez
You sure taking a lot of detours to prove your obfuscating point.
You sure proved your lack of discerning abilities ,,,but forget your attempts to rationalize your arguements..
it don't work I will let you waddle in your own little world
Bullvsbear99 wrote: The subject and discussion on this thread is about F35 and Bombardier, then why are you posting about Global 6000 and Wichita. You post is pointless. There is no relation. And its global 6000 and F35 not global 600 and F25. Get your $hit together.
clubhouse19 wrote: Again...I am not associating it to F#%...what is it you do not understand.
Global 600 is mentioned all over..
I do not know the details of the detail..but to say that the Bomber is not mentioned..
What are you looking at ???
And again...I did not imply anything with F25 as to Wichita,,
so what are you talking about other than to put confusion into somthing that is so simple to inderstamd/
According to a press release:
“The Lockheed Martin Skunk Works JSTARS Recap team recently expanded its depth with the addition of SNC, bringing greater value to the U.S. Air Force. SNC, which previously qualified as a prime contractor candidate for the program, will perform modifications to Bombardier’s Global 6000 aircraft, and will help obtain the necessary airworthiness certifications from the FAA and Air Force. Bullvsbear99 wrote: Your link doesn't make sense. Neither Global 6000 work with Lockheed or Bombardier expending in Wichita matters in regards to F35. Industrial offset means jobs created in country of sales. That is Lockheed has to create job or use Canadian supplier. Which Lockheed do and so far Bombardier isnt part of it. Wichita is not in Canada so it doesn't qualify for Industrial offset anyways. So your link is pointless.
clubhouse19 wrote: Maybe I din't make myself clear...But I was not trying to link it to the F35 at all. Trying to link it to the Wichita announcement and why they would be putting much effort there. American content is very important to the US I just saw a tie in with what was announced in the past unless those past associations and partnerships have been severed
Bullvsbear99 wrote: This link is for Global 6000 nothing about F35.
clubhouse19 wrote: Well this link is from July 2018
Bullvsbear99 wrote: It would be nice, but lockheed already have established canadian aerospace companies supplying to F35 line already. Bombardier is not one of them. Link is from 2013 but i doubt any suppliers have changed dramatically.
suomynona wrote: The F35 wheeling and dealing for Canadian industry benefits should put Bombardier heavy into the mix. Past pertnerships in surveillance aircraft and Bombardier's expertise in modern materials and concepts should bear fruit.