Lots Of Issues With Rising US DollarThis is not related to Ivanhoe, but that US dollar keeps rising and it could cause a sovereign debt crisis. I am no expert on currency matters, but it seems that the JPY (yen) and CHY (yuan) are crashing. The DXY is almost up to 104.
You can look at Brent Johnosn's feed, aka Santiago Capital, and Luke Gromen's feed on Twitter. The US had a negative GDP last quarter and I am not sure they will be able to raise interest rates as much as they want.
I think the problems in the currency markets are what lead to downside in resource stocks. The Plaza Accord happened in the 1980s where the US had to devalue the dollar. Brent Johnson said another agreement of this type is necessary to avoid lots of conflict in the world.
How the hell is this Ukrainian conflict going to end? Russia will not denuclearize without a war,and both sides are making threats to one another. I guess our investments won't matter if there is a huge war.