The only sqeezin
going on around here is ppl dreaming of lost cash.
Fak just got back early, decided to relax, and thought I'd take a peek to see how my invstments are doing. all good, but...
Now I'm wondering how long it'll take till this company comes around snufflin for more cash. It's all about the lifestyle. lol
You can smell it's going to happen, the snufflin, just add up the the burn rate. Newbies do your DD. Rest assured there are lots of better great Canadian stocks that'll do you proud.
But if you insist, like someone here said "Have Fun". Maybe enjoy the ride down the longhole to 47. lol
Ok, it's time for all the promoters and funkers to come out now , looks like you've been very quiet with the share price falling of a cliff , actually I your all hope your OK but please tell me about the highway paved with silver.