RE:Pure disgrace
onthepath I welcome and encourage you to petition this company do what you think is right. This company will end up restructuring by all the indicators and that will definitely mean spinning ionix out which will inevitably end up in consolidated shares as I explained with what happened to New Wave. People don't have any choice in this whether or not they are informed companies I have seen don't put this to a vote anymore than they do when they start raises they just do have things proceed and then put a press release out. The problem again is they are all operating within their rights and not a single company management will empathize they will say when the equities up people should have taken profit then and as this company stated they are pursuing things that will bring better value due to global supply chain issue and slow down. Should companies operate the way you would like them to? Well this starts to become an issue of expediency and efficiency as well as one in which will it look to run everything by shareholders constantly vote on them or take a decision to what it feels is the best one and go about its business? The power we have is what we do with our shares sell hold or buy and when there is a time to vote usually every annual meeting we are given the opportunity to keep or vote to change board members. The companies are not directly responsible to the retail shareholder they are to the financers and stocks are never a debt instrument owing nothing to any of us so if companies get into problems they need to pay all their creditors and go into insolvency filing for bankruptcy and bankruptcy protection. Share wise there is nothing much left here and things have to materialize. The "company" is still all that it says it is you can't win here as it is but legally restructured broken into divisions legally dome to take advantages of lower taxes as well as grants and any funding possibilities. Ionix is the lions share of what happened in terms of the batteries and what was ACDC is now crypto looking predominately at miners the robe2 etc so it has this part of that business with whatever percent if 25 percent of Ionix than 25 percent so theoretically when the consolidation comes most likely on a 10 to 1 basis whatever is left will net people .25 shares and this all legal. I will have 25 shares with my current position. The company this or any others can not deny shareholders that. Whether we like this or not this company has and continues to operate within the confines of the law and as I had said about the over arching disclaimers any who have after reading them decides to gamble invest pick any other word it is caveat emptor. Would I be happy in all of this not initially BUT after seeing all of the things happen I have one of two choices in so far as juniors either I keep buying in them or I don't and then decide to rather go to the proven ones. Again why are you let alone the rest of us really here. Don't tell me you are here thinking you will make fantastical returns on no hypes and knowing full well the term and inevitable way pennies go high risk high yield low risk low yield. If you are not then best to get out of pennies go to stocks that are nit shady and build your wealth systematically and progressively. People myself included come to pennies looking to make massive gains BUT what they find is they typically don't and end up being upset. You told me or rather the boards that you have been in pennies for 20 or so years made monies overall surely you must have encountered similar situations and if not as when I did yes it is a shock and eventually we may see more and more companies do this and it happens a lot in tougher economic times where retailers have to be especially vigilante and simply accept how things go and adjust to them. If I was as pissed as you I would have left pennies a long time ago and never look back. All the juniors will do what they need to and management will always act in their interests and by extension the company as a vehicle. Let me ask you many in business always use the term pay yourself first and this as people complain that management always have cheap shares are doing. When we know all this and we know the circumstances what exactly are we doing? Why are we here if these legally things in accordance to satisfying the exchanges do we get upset about abs more stupidly not take the profits when they are there manage shares in ways to minimize and mitigate risk or sell and move on. Putting ones energy seeking justice retribution whatever as I said is a waste of energy just as is trying to get shorting and bots banned. If I know all the dirtiest that goes on in stocks I have one of two choices to take my chances and accept this is just all that goes with the territory or get the hell out and look for other things to grow my monies. It does not benefit me to bang my head against a systemically rigged structure BUT does to better manage my shares. If I see things I don't like the direction the companies history of over diluting and we knew of this this was talked about constantly we should dump our positions and move on regardless of whether we are up or down no use complaining and seeking what we consider rightful compensation on wrongful actions leading to damages which goes in a circular argument defying any logic when we otherwise really have no legal recourse. Anyways talk to as many people as you like get like minded people together and yes do what you feel is right maybe I will be absolutely wrong. At the end of the day regardless of the outcome at least you did what you thought is right. I honestly wish you all the best despite whether I agree with you which I have already I say I don't as again I don't see any systemic and legal wrong doing. If I did yes I would agree and join you I just see it as the company legally getting away with what they are allowed to just the same as available to the rest. I have been in companies that pivoted several times it isn't uncommon with juniors as gamblers in pennies or even main exchange we have to be ready flexible and accepting or there will be a whole world of frustration and misery. I look at price points remove emotions and stick to the game or I find myself where I am with all the stocks I am massively down on all on me nothing or no one else. If I misassess yap and ignore the pricing movement that is on me. I stick to how the stock moves with prices and my trigger points then that works best. Of course I would still like those companies I put my money in to be stellar successful and of high recognition of excellence and success well with pennies that ship has sailed as I said 98 percent are whatever they may end up being and I just grow monies in the way that I know how neither praising or bashing unlike I have and simply keep off discussing about companies as I said I am simply going by triggers and other strategies more so tightly after the first quarter coming year.