RE:There wont be any batteries
not what I heard. Like I said get in touch with Daymak talk to Julian Brown and ask did they receive any batteries from Ionix and then ask him are any of them powering the Avenieres that are actually already out as working prototype models. I don't know why you or anyone will keep going on about this without checking facts first!! As far as the Ionix being spun out and the restructuring of shares not sure why you are having so much problems with what I said about New Wave and Way of Will Inc most likely a very similar scenario here and no that is not a third party Ionix if you recall reading is a wholly owned subsidiary of then ACDC now Blox. This is all legally being done whether we like it or not. As far as wasting our money did any of us actually go to Bryson and say here you can have our money? No Bryson issued shares through exchange approved raises where he went to the brokers to negotiate a price as where to sell the shares and allow for half purchase warrants after the conventional 4 month hold period with their respective exercisable prices. Regardless despite the issuance the brokers like the rest of us lay no claim or guarantee as to what the share values will ever be and it is on them to sell them off as it to us so if in the eventuality of drop in value or the company needing to file for bankruptcy creditors not warrant or other type of shareholders have 0 legal claims to. Shares are not debentures which are legal debt instruments. As far as under 3 cents I think you will be eating more hats than Jose. If that was really going to happen it would have broken under .04 by now but it hasn't. I don't rule anything out however I think the probability of under .03 is extremely low time will tell. I have no issue as to how the company carried things out they went by the books but I have issue with the fact I did not sell at cost where I would only be out my commission and time however if I count unrealized gains which I do that too. The chances of this being investigated or anything get done is actually 100 times lower than this reaching under .03.