gib expansion newslets hope there is a bone about that one. It seams like the guessers r having a tough time today. I have no sells on anything at this time and only 1 small buy on bwcg.
Sachs says world out of copper but copper keeps piling up at warehouse.
Rio tinto says there nuton tech can extract 100 million tons copper from tailings and waste rock that exist today. The tech is going to work in the yerrington camp this year.
Gib should have about 1 billion pounds copper in waste. Plus a few billion in lower grade ore.
Only very high grade deposits will b permitted. Existing mills will process there low grade with nuton tech. That is my guess anyways.
Side note. I just looked out the patio doors and saw our half simese cat chase a fox 10 times its size into the bush. Hope the cat comes back:))