RE:Cockroaches & ParasitesThe company is doing the right things. They're continuing to make profits. They're increasing their Revs. They're doing what we expect from them. Yet it's not good enougn for the Market. So they have to continue to stay the course.
I wish I had an answer for you. I'm in the same boat as you. It never ceases to amaze me how they get a hold of this stock and take it down. Maybe the only thing left here is to do a R/S.
BBDB859 wrote: It amazes me how there are 4 or 5 Cockroaches, Parasites here, that won't leave this Board. They are patient, LE, Bagel, & a few more. They are constantly putting fear into shareholders here, & are hoping to buy cheap shares, because they are either shorting, or work for the Shorters. They are here putting FEAR on this Board & pass the massage to us, about how bad of a company Bombardier is. Yet they keep staying on this board making money from this bad company, because they want to buy the shares of this bad company. Hypocrites.
MO SENSE to their Being here. They are shorts, that are here to put FEAR of DOOM & GLOOM using the Bomber share price (SP). They are LEACHES that once stuck on this SP thing, will not let go. I have put them all on ignore, and will never respond to them. Because I know why they are here. They use the excuse that we are PUMPERS. When all we do is repeat what management, Banks, & news outlets are now telling us. They are hypocrites and Bashers for their cause of shorting.
No wonder Bombardier MANAGEMENT wants to do a R/S just to get rid of these Parasites. They have been terrorizing the SP for the past 4 years now. Because they can do it through a loophole in the rules of the TSX on naked shorting. Don't give them the satisfaction of even talking to them. They don't deserve your time.