Sage Ranch ValidationAll ...
Despite the derogatory comments from the usual trolls, here is the facts on water at Sage Ranch.
1. Their is a
ZERO chance the Water District fighting the City will slow our project for even one single day.
2. The Water District sued the City only, it did NOT sue Sage Ranch and cannot by law even sue Sage Ranch. Not Allowed.
3. The Water District stated emphatically they are NOT opposed to Sage Ranch. They are opposed to the City's handling of its City water affairs.
4. Even though the Water District sued the City, any action in court, if any, is viewed as a technical appeal of the City's actions, because under the law the City Council acts as the "Court of First Instance", meaning the elected City Council is the original trier of fact. It acts as a court and reviews the evidence. The City reviewed the 1,000 plus pages of EIR CEQA documents, reviewed the professional engineers and professional hydrologist who the wrote the water report, and all other technical, legal and environmental facts that took two years to complete.
5. A court judge can only listen to the facts the City reviewed. The judge acts as an appeal court for a CEQA matter. NO PARTY can enter any new evidence or information. A judge can only decide what is on the public record and what was put before the City in writing. Nothing new can be added.
6. The Professional Hydrologist stated on his report in front of the City council by factual science and engineering eveidence, that the local water basin, located in our Valley of 4000 feett elevation and surrounded by run-off, recharge, and 3 months of yearly snow, (which is seperate from the State Water Project) contains 350,000 acre feet (AF) of water. By law, Sage ranch needs only a total of 7,000 AF spead out over 20 years. I have provided already 3,500 AF. The City will under law provide the rest. The City is using 1% of the water reserves spread out over 20 years, to support Sage Ranch. The District provided NO EVIDENCE from any professional engineer or hydrologist that stated otherwise. Nothing. Since nothing was provided to the contrary, a judge can only rely on the record, NOT NEW evidence.
The District verbally claims there is only 270,000 AF. (Even with that number the banked water is enormous. But even that 270,000 AF CANNOT be used as an argument. Even though it has 98,500% more than what we will use.
6. The District suing the City was based on the 50 year fight the District has with the City, because upset home owners in the valley pay for 90% of the Water Districts revenue and the Water District likes to use banked and unused water to give to their farmer friends for almost nothing because the Water Districts elected Board is farm owners. (Ha Ha, so am I with 278 organic farm acres I own myself). Its an old game, and under a long term 10 year contract, the District owes the City 1,104 AF per year, and has only given 5 AF. So the City has called its chips and the District launched against the City (not Sage Ranch) a lawsuit THAT IT WILL
NEVER win.
Yawn, Yawn Yawn. Never lost a minute of sleep on this.
In fact; on a side note, one of the Districts Board members asked for support from the City to turn his 30 acres into residential housing and the City said no. (retaliation?) Yup, and its on the public record.
Not only will the District lose their fight against the City, The Water District is full of Conflict of Interests, It was requested on the public record to have the City file this conflict of Interest with the District. Attorney.
Not one person believes the District is suing the City for any other reason than to weasel out of its legal obligations to give the City an extra 1,104 AF per year. Other than that, The Districts suit is DOA.
BTW, You always move to a neutral venue. Los Angeles County was recommended and the District said no, because LA County judges rule against Water Districts all day long. Now the Suit is moved to the Capital of California in Sacremento County, where the ruling class wants homes versus giving free water to multi-national agriculture conglomertes in California who ship produce to Asia and Europe for kickbacks at the homeowners expense. The Water District suit against the City is DOA.
Last comment. We are weeks away from our final SEC approval on our full US Registration. Once we filed months ago, we must file all reports we file in Canada in the US going back to 2009. Our Auditors had to take 3 years of our recent audits under IFRS and make an analysis under US GAAP. That took an extra week so we are technically one or two weeks starting today a late filer in the US, which cut of some US OTC buyers who clear the shares in Canada. Unavoidable given the major effort and undertaking to converting to soon to trade in the US.
We will be hosting a webinar very soon where all shareholders can get on a Zoom call and ask questions and show their faces. Should be fun.
Last Comment, our auditors confirmed last week there is a process to take the USD $124 Million of NPV on Sage Ranch and put that on our balance sheet. Its a process and I'll speak about it in a future news release
Chief Executive Officer
Greenbriar Capital Corp
Greenbriar Capital Holdco Inc
Greenbriar Capital (U.S.) LLC
9 Landport
Newport Beach
California USA
Direct: 949-903-5906
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see"