What will the bashers do?Financials just released were for year end 12/31/21. Tinley had just barely started producing any product. Had only recently been licensed. Had really only sold some Becketts. Since then they added a couple additional lines. I believe it was the mini line and the line to bottle beer.
First quarter 2022 Tinley has started co-packing otherproducts. Sip. Not your Fathers, Cannabis Quencher, etc and producing their own products.
First quarter financials historically are released by mid May.
Each day more and more packing product is being made along with Tinley's products in Long Beach. Almost daily is eveidence of a different product being made on a daily basis. I sampled two of BJ's THC infused beer. It will be a winner. Finally Tinley's is being made available in Canada. Even the bashers comment on how tasty Tinley CocoNut THC infused drink is. Comments such as it shames all other drinks. That's what the bashers say!!
Second quarter financials usually are released at end of November. Second quarter financials should show Tinley running without any PP or need for outside financing, unlike Hexo, Canopy, Medmen, Tilray and all the other pot producers with milions in debt and billions in shares. Maybe Constellation will give another FOUR BILLION US DOLLARS to Canopy. They can always hope. The way these pot companies burn cash they will need some deep pocket help.
This time in 2023 year, the end financials for 2022 should show Tinley a solid self supporting, cash producing company.
What will the bashers do when Tinley's becomes a cash positive, self supporting, money making company, go back to drowning kittens?