Concern for major Customers, Employees, and ShareholdersWith the stock price dropping and losses mounting while Directors and Key Management fees and salaries continue unabatted, several parties should be coming concerned about the future. Kelso is becoming a typical Vancouver Exchange PENNY STOCK.
At the Bohnam production plant, reliable sources indicate that (1.) the VP and Director never shows up at the Plant; (2). Hours of production due to lack of sales are being cut back to +/- 28 hrs per week: (3) some employees are calling around looking for other opertunnities.
This should be very concerning to Key Customers: Trinity Industreis; Greenbrier Corporation; American Rail Industries; National Steel Car Limited. At some point Kelso will not be able to meet customer needs and will loose further opportunites with each company to expand product sales.
It is obvious that there is little or no sales effort at the Bohnam facilty. This will further impact employees and obviously Shareholders...
The 1st Quarter financials will be out next week sometime and I am almost certain we will see little improvemt on the Rail product side but will see massive dollars spent funding the Off-Road gimic in Kelwona...There is no market and won't be for the foreseeable future!
All the while, Directors/Management have no skin-in-the-game but sit back and take their fees and get cheap OPTIONS yearly. And, now there is little transparency with lttle information put out. By doing some research on Sedar, May 6 the PROXIES will be released and the AGM will be somewhere in Vancouver on June 2.
It is time to VOTE this incompetent group out. If you dont receive your PROXY, call your Broker to insist they vote your shares......WITHHOLD