Madden DetailsFirst stock in the clip. And contrary to what has been said, while no longer in his fund, he actually owns the stock personally. GLTA
Curaleaf Holdings (CURA CSE)
- Then: $18.24
- Now: $7.49
- Return: -59%
- Total Return: -59%
Laurentian Bank (LB TSX)
- Then: $42.70
- Now: $39.15
- Return: -8%
- Total Return: -5%
Methanex (MX TSX)
- Then: $47.48
- Now: $69.05
- Return: 45%
- Total Return: 47%
Total Return Average: -6%
CURA CSE | Y | N | N |
LB TSX | N | N | N |
MX TSX | Y | N | Y |
Curaleaf Holdings(CURA - CSE))
03/05/2022 at 08:00pm
(A Top Pick May 04/21, Down 59%) Derating of secular growth stocks due to rising interest rates. Doing all the right things. Delayed US legislative reform. A victim of the environment. Will be a dominant player in years to come.
Brian Madden