OptGreen wrote: Crud really on a roll, not a clue but usual but noisy...this market correction has nothing to do with the sector, Canopy or it's operations or it's value, except for the collective collateral damage from the Biden plan of a USA/ NA third world status for the countries and the majority of the folks that we call home, with the exception of the planned 'new elite'...very easily identified as those with all the free greenbacks handed to them everywhere, taken from those that earned and handed to the 'new' without balance or justification and those that have taken control, in the normal transition of power and of which are receiving unjustified millions and are the least deserving by any/every measure.
The pot cos are just caught in the new, needlessly red markets and Canopy is one of the many would be legal suppliers that are and will suffer, maybe even future ending losses as they 'grow' the cartel production their supplier of cannabis, of choice and record.
While the crud barks support, most don't have a clue what is going on or at least one would hope they are not knowingly part of this coup on the folks, the world that could end the world as we know it and send us back to the stone age...or just major war, with a footprint yet to be determined. The DOW down ~1,000pts and TSX down ~500pts now, is just the beginning of this New Order planned and being implemented by the few.
But the folks will answer the bell as there is no other choice and hopefully before too much more is allowed to be lost and thrown away in lives and treasure...as long as enough follow the facts and act on the necessary, even the undeserving crud will get another chance to correct and fly right, as they know not what they do. All the best to those that own and in our collective future. JMHO...Opt
Video shows 2 suspects holding Factoria pot shop employees at gunpoint (q13fox.com)