Bullhorn ;I'm kind of in the same camp . 4 weeks ago we had everything going for oil. I don't know if anyone payed attention to Putin's speech thismorning . I tuned into it and from the way I interpreted it Putin seems to be backing off somewhat from taking over Ukraine . Example , Like letting all the civilians out of the steel plant , and in the speech he actually remarked how in ww2 the United States, France, and he mentioned many more. I did not expect what I heard . Anyways, here we have oil down 5% already today. If this war does wind down, the price of oil can go down a long long ways and I'm not the type of guy that will take a chance on my capital. I may think completely different in 2 days or even 2 hours from now . And to tell you the truth I wasn't overly impressed with the results I seen this morning. I personally wish they would spend a little more time talking and building the north Sea assets. There your going to get the biggest bang for your buck. There we could easily see a bump of 20 or 30 thous barrels a day with just a couple holes . I understand they're expensive holes but if you can't afford to make it happen with the price of oil and gas where they are , then they'll never do it !! Anyways ,everyone has their own opinion because we live in a free country and are allowed to share it freely. I'm so proud to be Canadian. Cheers all