RE: Down almost 45% from the day of the Insider DumpI'm not desperate, jamesz-boy. I bought low ages ago and can afford to hold. No one has to answer to other posters, but you deliberate bashers think that everyone or anyone must answer to your narrative.What seems fake about your narrative is why you collectively take an awfully lot of your time to bash a stock you either don't want to ever own or would touch with a 20ft and 1inch pole. Normal people or posters would move onto something else rather than obsess on who posts, like you bashers as a club from the outhouse seem to do 24x7x365.25. Smart people make sure they have a low average cost and wait. What is going on now is not a Poet thing. It is called a market correction. That is all separate from what Poet is doing. What made Poet good two years ago is even better today. Share price is not all you measure on, but if you are bronzing your depends, then having achieved a very low cost price is what gives me time and patience. Poet is very close now but the markets are the markets. No one has to answer to the doomsday bashers because you are doomsday no matter what phase the general markets are in (whether in good times or bad times) because bashers are supposed to bash all the time. So take your fake spiel and go find somewhere else to spiel, you see you james-zy Poet_hen who fools no one. LMAO@the perpetual IOD10T in many forms it seems.