TSX:CHE.DB.E - Post by User
Post by
Bubba359on May 11, 2022 4:51pm
Post# 34675529
Perfect timing
Perfect timing4 posts made by nonowner morons Lisa ,Karen Gasbag and Ghost , the single guy who can't decide his gender but Red maintains is so much smarter than a Media company with 24 employees and a business to protect. Yep these basement hackers are just doing it for fun and games , right Red , as you maintain that the company is on the up and up and doing their best but lacks resources in the Kiddy Kop dept. Who exactly do you you think you are fooling. From past years of experience l know you think you are vastly superior to the rest of us , but reality check , it doesn't cut the mustard anymore. We both own CHE , we have both done well but unlike you l don't own a piece of a company you defend who creates those trolls as a number have stated on the BTE board , a number who aren't dupes , don't believe in your games and don't care that whether your investment pans out or not. Now as usual just like your paid dimwit mercenaries don't answer directly , just play the victim You got away with helping them for years now time to pay the piper ,Danny Boy EH , Since you only post about Suomi , in my case l am Brit by birth and values