DDC I treated differentlyDuring this recent sell off, I trimmed a whole bunch of US stocks and got rid of a lot of higher valuation stocks. I kept BCE, AAPL, XIU, ATD, DOL, MCD and a few others. The only losing stock I kept was DDC and still hold it. It's 5% of my portfolio, speculative, and I'm allowing myself to be committed to it, no matter what. I treat DDC different because the theme is different. It's the only stock I own with no debt. It isn't sensitive to interest rates. I can be an asset to society at all times. It's a Canadian innovator, disruptor and leader. It brings industries together and adds value, as it has been trying to do with Air Canada, the indigenous community and now Bell. It is likely the only stock in the list I gave with the potential to double or go even higher. I already made 117% so this is mostly, but not all, "house money" or gains. I treat this investment differently because it is unique in so many ways and not comparable to any other stock I invest in. The 95% portfolio can be disciplined, rigorous and scientific. DDC is both value and hope. DDC is exciting.