RE:RE:Obsidian OBE vs Cardinal CJOther nice thing is OBE has the optionality too increase either light or heavy oil...
Heavy oil is so much easier too crank up....OBE has done this in PROP and CJ has done this in 2021 drilling.
The heavy differential of 14-15 bucks doenst matter so much right now at 100 plus oil.
But in lower oil prices...light oil prices keeps funds flow light oil differential always stays around 4 bucks ish.
All this cardium drilling is to have future light oil....
But hats off to CJ management team for drilling well in 2021. They only drilled one sub par well in Sparky but eveything else was 250-400 barrels a day of medium/heavy stuff.
Hendrick3 wrote: FFO per share compared to share price was substantially less than OBE m. 58 cents to 8 vs 97 cents to 9.50. So the results are actually weaker but we learned something. Dividends attract new investors. I am sure OBE is watching.