Market/War, Volume, It's all Pip's fault, What's next?Good Evening,
It was a nice day, I even got out to see the sister and ended up helping with her little mailing project. Try 421 boxes to haul to the PO. One has to be very carefull around sister or one ends up playing chipmunk running errands.
Market/war: Pip makes a big deal about Ucore going down. Like it was the only stock to go down. Hey Pip, I hate to tell you but somebody opened the drain and all boats are sinking not raising. Example: Amazon has shed over a 1000 buck per share. Now maybe we have hit bottom and are going up or it is a up day for a downward trend. Don't know. In a normal market not hit with war, high inflation and rising interest rates. I think the news would have pushed Ucore to a dollar, maybe even three. In a normal market, Pip.
Volume, It all Pip's fault. I think that every body is following Pip advice about not investing until funding happens because of the time lag between good news and the market reaction to the good news. Real good news like a big funding package you might get a hour time in the lag. So-so funding maybe a full day in time lag. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
What is next? My guess, the demo plant commissioning or AIDEA funding. Look at how Ucore is spending money. Like they know they have funding.
Left arm is killing me. It is a ice pack and bengay evening, folks. Believe me getting old hurts in places you did not you had places.
Good Night,